Capa 4

Freija Chile charms you with his countercurrent navigation through rivers and lakes surrounded by an abundant native forest. 

As the salmon swims countercurrent to deliver his eggs in the safest places, Freyja Chile swims countercurrent to deliver you the best experience of Southern Chilean´s rivers, lakes and forests. Find huge forests full of Arrayán and Coligue species and featured Chilean´s animals like huemul and zorro culpeo.



Choose your river, Choose your Jet Boat

A same route is never the same experience. Live it intensely

Lancha Martin Pescador

Martin Pescador

350 hp, Jet Boat, 8 people

Lancha Lucia

Lancha Lucia

50 hp, Out Board, 6 people

Lancha Chungungo III


300 hp - turbo Jet - 6 people

Choose your Route!


The place that most calls you to adventure

Navigate the featured fluvial courses of the Los Lagos region: Impotent and pristine waters such as Río Puelo, Petrohue, Rahue, and in Patagonia Norte, Yelcho, Futaleufú and Galena. Also are featured lakes like Llanquihue, Rupanco y Yelcho.

Courses are suitable for recreative fishing, where the adventure turns in to freya.

Puelo Bajo


Route Map

Choose the option that charms you most

¡Come to navigate with freyja!

This region is the third most extensive and the richest in freshwaters of the country, with the most flowing rivers of our territory, because the great reservations of water in ice camps and the characteristic rainfalls of this southern area.
Those natural events favor the shoals species such as the trucha fario and the trucha arcoíris. Also we can find the steal head besides the salmon.
Its nature, mostly virgin, has a wide territory of mountains, grlacials, fjords, lakes and rivers that makes it in a huge paradise for the recreational fisherman.
The Baker River is the most outstanding, mystical and imposing river of the area, as well as the Cisnes, Aysén and Mañihuales rivers.

Rápidos Río Baker

Puerto Cristal. Región de Aysén


Puerto Cristal. Región de Aysén

Route Maps

Choose the option that charms you most

¡Come to navigate with freyja!


Choose your Route!

The place that most calls you to adventure

Mesa de trabajo 2
The same route is never the same experience. Live it intensely!